Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beautiful day in Oaxaca

Oaxaca has provided yet another lovely day of adventure. Plus! we ran into our Czech friends, Adam and Vernika, from San Blas. Jessi wrote before that she had a feeling we would see them again, and sure enough as we enjoyed a savory marcado sandwich they walked up right behind us. Then we walked around the town and then had a feast at the market, which was a crazy experience. Gail Kerns would have approved of the wide display of beef primed for the grill. Everyone is yelling at you to eat at their place and putting plates of veggies in your face which you then take to a meat person who grills you up a bunch of meat and then the tortilla lady comes over and gives you some tortillas. We never really knew what was happening but the food was delicious and the chance to be a part of the action was even better.

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