This is our second trip from Jakarta to Singapore since we have been here and this time we got to spend the entire day hanging out in the city. There is so much to do and see in this public transportation efficient city. It's very refreshing to be in such a beautiful city, even if it is for a short time. Again, we hung out with our friend Zac who is a chiropractor in Singapore and of course we wooped it up, drinking and talking until 3 in the morning. This time I was a little less hungover the next day, so that made for a good day.
Singapore has so much to offer as a city for anyone who is visiting. Along with the effiecient transportation it is also a very walkable city. The only bad thing is you have to walk early or you will be so hot and sweaty after about 5 minutes of walking. There are many sites to see and similar to Indonesia, Singaporians love their statues. I've included some pictures of the interesting statues that we walked by.
The 10th picture up is of what appears to be a spikey, shiny building. This building is called The Esplanade and it's shaped like a Durian. A Durian is known as the "king of fruit" and is rarely seen outside of southeast Asia. Durian in Bahasa (the official Language of Java) means thorny. It almost looks like a very thorny football and it has a very, very foul smell. And when I say foul, I mean like dirty socks combined with a little poo that has been festering for a few weeks. We have yet to try this fruit, which is said to be delicious but I can't get past the foul smell enough to try it. There's your durian lesson for the day. That's what this weird building is shaped after.
The next pic of Jesse is of a new casino built and opened fairly recently. It's called the Sans Resort and Casino. Kelly H is going to LOVE this place! It is the three towers that you see and perched on top of the towers is a what appears to be a cruise ship structure. It has tons of palm trees on top and seems to be a very interesting place. I can't wait to go there either!
The photo of the bird is pretty interesting. It was just standing there with it's head cocked to the side with it's mouth open staring at me. Jesse informed me that they do this to stay cool. I felt like we had a moment.
And the pic of flower row is a bridge lined with Bogenvia's. These are the same flowers Grandma Marcia has at her house in Mexico. It reminded us of her and Paul and our Mexican adventures.
The rest of the pics are snapshots from around the city. I hope you have enjoyed your tour of Singapore as much as we did!! Hopefully you will be seeing more pics of Singapore really, really, really soon. :)
Take it from us who lived in southeast Asia, don't try the durian! No matter what they tell you its NOT delicious, except in dried or paste form, which is at least edible. Josh tried fresh and attempted to swallow at least 3 times, but wound up throwing up in the alley while the laughing Thai's looked on......